Modern Android Development: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException
How to deal with android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException in modern Android applications
Modern Android Development: The problem of sources
Below is my series proposal for fixing the problem of too many sources of information and advocating modern Android Development one gist at a time.
Building a video recording application in Android with CameraX
In this post you will learn how to build a video recording application in Android using CameraX
Android Jetpack and Lifecycles
This post highlights the benefits of using Android Jetpack and the Lifecycles components to guarantee integrity of your view’s data
OSX Pro Tip for .NET Environment Variables
This post will take you through the steps of using environment variables from within you Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac
Building a beautifully smart form in Android using RxJava
I don’t think I know a single Android developer who’s not stoked about Reactive Programming with RxAndroid right now. I totally dig the idea of subscribing to events emitted by my applications and be able to react accordingly.
Picasso - Same URL but different content
I love using Square’s Picasso library whenever I need to load images into my Android applications. It lets me load images from the internet into ImageViews with a single line of code.
How to secure Apache with Let’s Encrypt and CloudFlare on Centos
I took it upon myself to converting a couple of my domains to use Let’s Encrypt in order to offer a secure connection to them. If you haven’t heard about Let’s Encrypt by now you’ have probably been living under a rock. If that’s the case though, have a read at this page and you’ll get up to speed with it.
Multi-Line C# Strings
I’ve seen this question being asked on StackOverflow so many times I event thought about writing a bot to automatically reply to it.
I’m joining Twilio
So the time has come for me to move on and accept a new challenge. As of the October 20th, I’ll be joining Twilio as a Developer Evangelist.