Making your JMeter tests timeless.
At work, we use Apache JMeter for load testing applications or API’s we build.
What breaks WP Super Cache
Disclaimer: This blog post is not meant to be timeless, meaning it will lose its relevancy as soon as the stuff I’ll mention below gets updated. I will do my best to keep up with the updates, and delete this blog post as soon as it becomes irrelevant.
Finite image slider
I’ve been asked to come up with an image slider prototype for something new we were doing at work.
Enterprise queuing applications
At work, we’ve decided to start using enterprise queuing applications for ease of communication between our ColdFusion and .Net projects.
Upgrading Castle from 2.1 to 2.5
I was recently working on a .Net project that uses Castle as it’s IoC Container. At some point I realized it would be beneficial to have Castle running on its latest version, so I could benefit of the new functionalities. More specifically I was hoping to be able to use Startable Facility in order to get the objects to be started as soon as they are loaded.
Mobile and Tablet development - My Saga I
So I believe by my last posts here you may have guessed I’ve been doing lots of mobile development in the last few months.
E4X and XML with namespaces
Here’s is something that got me scratching my head for a little while today while working on my new mobile application.
Background colour in a label control in AS3
This is just a quick example of how to add a background colour to a label control in AS3.
SQLite databases and mobile applications - A caveat
As some of you might have noticed, I have been building some mobile applications lately on my spare time specifically for the Blackberry Playbook. They are mainly built in Adobe Air using Actionscript 3 and Blackberry’s Tablet SDK.
Quick tip on Flash Builder and application internationalization
I’m building a new Blackberry Playbook app, and when starting to work with internationalization, I got stuck with a bug that wouldn’t go away. I’m pretty sure this won’t just affect just this kind of application, but anything that is built using Flash Builder and requires resource bundle files.